Livestock donations were NRVT's earliest initiative to improve prospects and increase food security for the poorest families. The families who received donated goats and cows were followed up to ensure the animals were well-looked after and proceeds from the sale of young were used to send children to school. We met up with these families on our recent trip and were delighted to see how they had prospered.
Emergency Earthquake Relief 2015
The earthquakes of 2015 devastated large tracts of Nepal. Jaleshwari, situated in the foothills about 50 miles below Everest Base Camp was badly shaken. No one was seriously hurt but houses and schools were damaged and destroyed just prior to the monsoon rains. NRVT working in conjunction with Visit Himalaya Treks, was able to send tarpaulins to the area to offer shelter.
Many mountainous regions away from the road networks were very slow to receive food supplies in the weeks following the earthquakes. NRVT, through trusted intermediaries, arranged for vital food supplies to be carried by porters through the mountains to those in need.
Many mountainous regions away from the road networks were very slow to receive food supplies in the weeks following the earthquakes. NRVT, through trusted intermediaries, arranged for vital food supplies to be carried by porters through the mountains to those in need.